Clinics We Offer

Diabetic Clinic
The Diabetic clinics are led by one of our Practice Pharmacists. This is currently being delivered remotely over the phone.

Chest Clinic
Patients with Asthma, COPD or other chest conditions are offered review of their condition. These clinics are currently delivered remotely over the phone by our Practice Nurse.
Patients may also be referred to this clinic by the GP for further investigations or assessment of chest problems.

Hypertension Clinic
The practice runs hypertension (high blood pressure) clinics which are led by the Practice Pharmacist and Practice Nurse. The aim is to ensure the blood pressure (BP) is adequately controlled and that patients are on the most suitable medications.
Home monitoring of blood pressure has been very useful during covid and we are grateful for patients sending in BP readings when requested by the nurse or GP.
Appointments for the Diabetic, Chest or Hypertension Clinics are organised by the Practice IT Manager Gavin Leeburn.

Minor Surgery Procedures
Many minor procedures/operations are performed in the health centre. Please contact reception to make an initial GP appointment and an onward referral to the minor surgery clinic will be arranged if appropriate.

Child Health Surveillance / Baby clinic
We are currently using an appointment system. No child should be brought to the clinic without being given an appointment time by the Health Centre and speaking to staff in advance. PLEASE ensure you bring your RED BOOK to every appointment.
This is a “well” baby clinic and it is essential you do not attend this clinic if your baby/child is unwell. In these situations a GP appointment should be arranged.
At 6-8 weeks, a routine baby check will be completed and immunisations are offered from 8 weeks as per the Child Health Surveillance Programme. Please refer to the following website for full information Childhood immunisation programme | nidirect

Antenatal Clinic
Antenatal clinics are led by the midwives in the health centre and take place every Thursday afternoon.
Routine appointments are made for this clinic with the health centre reception who will advise when and how often appointments are necessary throughout your pregnancy.
PLEASE NOTE – If you are suffering from any problems even if related to the pregnancy, please see your GP

Anticoagulation Service
Patients on warfarin will be offered regular INR blood monitoring in the surgery. This is currently carried out in the treatment room with “near patient testing” which provides an immediate INR result and staff advise on doses.
Only housebound patients will have INR blood tests taken by the district nursing team and blood results will be dealt with by staff and then patients advised on doses.
PLEASE ensure you PHONE the health centre if a blood result has been taken to monitor your warfarin level and you have not received a call to advise on the doses within 24hours. On occasions staff may be unsuccessful in attempts to contact patients and this will ensure no delay/problems arise.

Smear Clinics
Patients may attend the practice nurse for a smear examination or alternatively request a GP appointment. The smear result should be forwarded in writing within 4-6weeks.
Please ensure you phone the health centre and speak to the Practice Nurse or Practice Manager if you have not received the result within 6 weeks.
For more information on cervical screening Cervical screening | nidirect

Contraceptive Services
The Practice GPs provides a range of advice and contraceptives. If considering an intrauterine device “coil” or “mirena” or an implant, the GP may arrange a Gynae Clinic appointment at the Health Centre.
Alternatively further help and advice is available via the Family Planning Association website

Vaccinations and Immunisations
We offer a range of vaccinations according to clinical guidance including:
- Flu vaccinations
- Tetanus boosters
- Pneumococcal vaccinations
- Covid vaccinations

Smoking Cessation
Smoking cessation clinics are run remotely every Thursday morning with our Smoking Cessation advisor 'Melanie Patton'
To book an appointment please speak to reception on 028 91 882176

Chronic Pain Clinic
In recent years medical research evidence has pointed to the harmful effects of long term opiate use in non-cancer pain. Therefore, we are running monthly chronic pain review clinics to help patients look for alternative ways of managing their pain.
There are a number of alternative ways of managing chronic pain and some of these options are listed below.
We have enclosed information leaflets too.
GP consultation
First Contact Physiotherapist [based in Donaghadee Health Centre]
Self referral to physio in Ards
Hospital based pain clinics
SETrust community pain clinic – 1 to 1 consultation via zoom currently – GP/First Contact Physio referral
Versus Arthritis pain clinics – 1hr per week for 6 weeks via zoom or 1 to 1 face to face consultations for those who cannot use zoom. – This is a self-referral service and forms can be collected from Donaghadee health centre front desk.
See attached form Versus Arthritis pain clinic
Peninsula Healthy Living, Kircubbin, community pain clinic 02842739021– GP/First Contact Physio referral Peninsula
Helpful online resources- “turning down the volume on pain”-
“Understanding pain” –
“live well with pain”- https://livewellwith
“retrain pain” –
“Opioids for persistent pain” – Opioids for persistent pain